10 Easy Projects To Do Around The House

With all the extra time we have at home, we might as well make the best of it! It’s the perfect time to get to all those “little” projects done that we never have time for. If you are a fellow DIYer, you may not trust yourself being cooped up for so long…at one point I felt like I was going to re-paint every room in the house (thankfully, I don’t have that much paint stored!). I am here to help! Let’s focus some of that energy and be productive! Here is a list for you! 10 easy projects to do around the house that are inexpensive and simple to complete.
These projects will give you something to do, but won’t overtake your life. Let’s be honest, using this time to slow down a little is just as important! Enjoy your family, take walks, and play games. But I get it, everyone handles time off a little differently. For some it’s hard to go from a lot to nothing. For others it’s hard to motivate yourself when there is nothing to do. Whatever side you fall on, use this list to help! Focus on a few small projects to help you say occupied or to help you get going!
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10 Easy Projects To Do Around The House
1. Paint A Room
You knew that was going to be on the list! There is bound to be one paint project looming in your home. For me, it’s my girls bedroom. My girls share a bedroom, so we have been in the process of rearranging their room and buying desks for them each to have their own space. I love the new look, but now it is time to paint and complete their new “grown up” room…I tried to get pieces that will flow nicely into their teen years since they are 7 & 9. In two years, I didn’t want to have to redo their room again. I can’t wait to share their room with you, but for now painting a room is on my list of quarantine projects!
2. Declutter
Now is the time to sort through your home! Get rid of the things you don’t need. Pick a different room each day and declutter. Whenever I declutter I sort piles into keep, donate, or trash. You may not be able to donate items right now, but you can set them aside and when things go back to normal drop them off.
Use this time to simplify your home!
3. Spring Cleaning
Once you have everything decluttered, why not take it one step further? It’s easy to have a million excuses not to do spring cleaning…but many of those are non-existent now. I was in the same situation, so I braved the dust and now I am currently on week 2 of my 3 week spring cleaning checklist.
As much as I dislike deep cleaning, it does feel so amazing when you are finished. If you don’t like to follow a checklist, then go ahead and tackle your own deep cleaning. Either way…when you are finished you will be glad you did!
4. Rearrange A Room
OK, this may not seem like a project…but how often do you rearrange rooms in your house? For some of you…don’t answer that! Rearranging a room can give your space a whole new look. To be honest the only time I rearrange my living room is when we bring the christmas tree in during December. I still have to laugh when I go back to that one fateful year where we moved all the living room furniture around multiple times. After moving everything at least 4 times, we figured out it looked best with the christmas tree how we had the living room originally! Let me tell you how much my hubby loved that one! Sometimes, you just have to try it.
5. Touch Up Trim
Painting trim is the worst, but it makes a huge difference! So while you have time at home…why not touch up or repaint some trim! My goal is to tackle the trim on the stairs and upstairs hallway. We tape birthday decorations to the bedroom doorways and little by little the trim paint has been removed. It is definitely time for a touch up! What about you?
6. Organize Your Photos & Videos
Organizing photos and videos is a hard project to get started. I have found a great system that breaks it down and makes it easy to organize even if you have never organized these items before. Now keep in mind, I said it was easy…but it is definitely time consuming. Best thing is most of us have some extra time! So click HERE to see how I organize all my photos and videos!
7. Yard Clean Up
If the weather is nice, it’s time to get outside! Remove debris and branches from the yard. Rake up all the leaves that were left from fall. Use this time to clean up your yard!
8. Trim Plants
Not all plants are trimmed in the fall, some need the protection of their foliage through the winter. Especially, if you live somewhere with cold winters like I do. One of those common plants is rose bushes! Now is the perfect time to go around and trim those plants. Not sure what plants need to be trimmed? Here is a small list from The Spruce. Don’t see your plant listed? Look up your plant and then record the details in a Landscape Binder! It’s the perfect place to keep all your plant info.
9. Fertilize Your Grass
Apply fertilizer in the spring (April or May) to help WEED CONTROL! Crabgrass is a big one. If you can prevent crabgrass seed from germinating in the spring, then it may save you a lot of hassle during the summer! If you have extra time, this is a simple project that will help you all summer long.
More fertilizer tips: During June apply turf builder with weed control. Then in July/August apply summerguard to protect against heat and insects. Lastly, in the fall apply a winterizing fertilizer to prepare your grass for winter!
10. Organize Your Garage
It’s time to tackle your garage! Organizing your garage follows the same guidelines as when you declutter any area in your house. Sort it into keep, donate/sell and trash!
Another important step in the garage is creating functional storage. Carefully evaluate what your problem areas are and what might improve them. Now is the perfect time to tackle this project.
Enjoy the time you have at home, and enjoy getting some of those simple projects done that you never have time for!
I know I will. Let me know what project you are going to tackle below!
Thanks so much for checking out my post!
Speaking of spring cleaning, don’t forget about windows! After you wash your windows, you will be surprised how bright your house has become!