4 Things Every Mudroom Needs For Summer

In Michigan, a good mudroom is essential for any house. From fall through winter the mudroom is the most vital room in the house! Winter boots, coats, and snow pants all need a tidy place to hang. When summer hits, the mudroom definitely thins out a little and unfortunately for our house, so did the function of the room.
Finally, last summer it was like a light bulb went off. I was so sick of my kids standing at the slider door, dripping with water and yelling, “Mom, I need a towel!” I had normally stored the beach towels upstairs in our linen closet…so I was running upstairs every day to grab towels. In the midst of all the running, it dawned on me, there had to be a better way.
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The mudroom was quite empty with all the winter items removed, so this was definitely the spot to solve our little towel problem. What I didn’t realize is how important the mudroom can be during the summer as well. Here are 4 essential areas every mudroom needs during the summer to make life easier!
Summer Mudroom Essential #1:
Keep Beach Towels In the Mudroom
I am not sure why it took so long to figure this out, but it was brilliant! I rolled all the beach towels up and put them in the bins that use to hold all the gloves and mittens. When the kids yelled from the slider….I could tell them to go through the garage to the mudroom and grab their own towel.
As the summer went on, they realized the towels were always in the mudroom and stopped yelling altogether! This was a huge win, as most summer days involve running through the sprinkler and it keeps them from tracking wet grass all throughout the house as well!
Summer Mudroom Essential #2:
Keep A Bucket Of Summer Fun
OK, I have to admit my bucket of fun is a little empty…once school gets out we will make a run to the dollar store and stock up with some more items to keep the kids occupied. Last year it worked great to have a basket filled with things to do. I keep all the bubbles, chalk, and other items the kids can easily grab to use outside. Plus, it is always awesome to have something called the bucket of fun…am I right!
Summer Mudroom Essential #3:
Keep Sunscreen And Sunglasses In One spot
My kids never know where their sunglasses are. We probably have 7 pairs floating around and can never seem to locate them when we need them. This year in order to keep better track of our sunglasses….I have cleared out one of the bins in the mudroom specifically for sunglasses and sunscreen. I also love that it is by the back door, so as we are running out to the park or softball game…everything is easily accessible.
Summer Mudroom Essential #4:
Keep A Small Bag Ready To Grab
We are always on the go during the summer, so it is perfect to have a bag close by to grab. It is the perfect size for snacks, to throw the sunscreen in and for a couple of water bottles. I love having a bag in the mudroom, it gets used all the time!
The mudroom should be just as functional during the summer as it is in the winter! As simple as it sounds, these 4 essentials have been a huge help. Thanks for checking out my post!
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