5 Day Organizing Challenge: Technology

Technology can be really hard to organize, or well…maybe getting started is the hardest part. How do we organize technology? The truth is clutter is clutter…whether it is sitting on our counter or filling up our computers. Having a million emails doesn’t make us feel relaxed. So let’s purge!
I have to admit, we have never had a charging station in our house and now that we have phones, tablets, and fit bits….I am so ready to get a better system in place. While the original challenge is over, you can always print off the schedule and complete the challenge at any time on your own!
During this challenge we will tackle computers, digital pictures and more. So everyone hang on…because we are about to dive into something that doesn’t get organized very often. You may just want to grab a friend as well, challenges are always better when doing it with a friend!
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Here is the Technology Challenge:
Day 1 Organize Your Computer
Today you are going to focus on your computer. Declutter your home screen, organize your files, get rid of old documents you no longer need. Folders should be clearly labeled so you can find everything you need…and quickly!
Today it would also be a good idea to create a password notebook and back up your computer. First, it is always helpful to have your passwords easily accessible and second, you want never want to loose important documents or photos if something were to happen to your computer.
Digital storage solutions
To help open up space on your computer finding alternative storage can be helpful. Options include cloud storage such as Microsoft one drive, drop box and more. I am familiar with them, but not enough to recommend one over the other. All of these programs will give you storage and open up space on your computer, just make sure to find the right fit for you.
Another storage option is an external hard drive. I personally love having an external drive to store all my photos and videos. I have the Seagate External Hard Drive in silver. An external hard drive can also be used to back up your computer, but if you are using it for that feature then I would suggest the 2TB Seagate hard drive Here.
Day 2 Organize Your E-Mail
If you are like me, your e-mail gets filled with so much junk. I hate having thousands of emails sitting in my inbox. So take the time to go through your e-mail, create sub folders, unsubscribe from companies that send tons of e-mails. Once you have it organized, try to spend a little time on your e-mail each day to manage it.
Day 3 Create A Charging Station
Have your ever plugged your phone in and then in the morning realized that you plugged your phone into a cord that was not actually plugged in? I have and it is really frustrating.
So today you are going to create a dedicated space for all your electronics. Consider all the things that need to be charged and figure out a way to fit everything neatly and without all of the dangling cords.
Here are some great DIY charging stations I found on Pinterest:
DIY Family Charging Station by drivebbydecor.com
A Simple DIY Charging Station by onegoodthingbyjillee.com
DIY Cell Phone/Electronic Charging Station by fourgenerationsoneroof.com
Day 4 Organize Your Digital Photos
Today we are going to tackle digital pictures. This includes downloading all the pictures from your phone onto your computer, as well as sorting all your pictures into years and months. NEED HELP, CLICK HERE TO SEE HOW I ORGANIZE MY DIGITAL PHOTOS.
If you have too many photos to complete in one day, at least get all your folders labeled and try to get them put into the correct folder by year. Over time, you can continue organizing your photos until everything is in place.
Day 5 Organize Your Home Videos
Today we are going to grab all those adorable home videos and organize them into folders by year and month. I typically organize my videos the same way I organize my photos, but then burn a DVD for each year. I use Adobe Premier Elements, but you can use a program like Roxio or there may even be free programs out there. It doesn’t become as big of a task if you organize your videos every January.
If you have never organized your videos before…you most likely won’t be able to do it in one day, so don’t feel bad. Just try to get a system started today, then over time you can work on it a little bit here and there until you are finished.
If you have not finished organizing your digital photos, and would rather finish that before you jump into your videos, you can do that today instead.
Join The Challenge
It is not as fun organizing technology because it consumes a lot of time, without the wow factor you get from walking into a clean space. However, having an organized computer and organized photos feels amazing. As our world becomes more and more digital, it is important to organize our digital spaces as well!
Ready to tackle the organizing challenge? Pick a date to start, grab a friend, and sign up below to print the schedule!
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I hope you join the challenge and thanks so much for checking out my post!