5 Tips To Help You Stick To Your Monthly Meal Plan

For over 5 years I have been making monthly meal plans. It is hard to believe it has been that long! The reason I make monthly meal plans is to save money on the grocery bill and it really does help. I understand sometimes the task of creating a meal plan seems overwhelming and the feeling of defeat, if you fail to stick with it, is even worse.
The first and most important step is to stop adding so much pressure on yourself! Meal planning should be helpful, it’s not here to shame you or make you feel defeated, I promise! So let’s jump into it, how do you actually stick to a monthly meal plan?
Here are a few things I have learned over the years that will help you relax and embrace meal planning. It may even take away that daunting feeling of impossibility.
Tip 1 Plan Meals That Fit Into Your Schedule
I have seen it, I have done it…the overambitious meal plan. It is so easy to sit and write down all these amazingly fabulous meals…however, when your child is screaming, you just got home from your son’s baseball practice and you have to get your kids showered after dinner…the 2 hour meal you thought you had time for, will never happen.
OK, so maybe that example is a little extreme…but I am sure you can relate. It is so important to consider your monthly schedule when you plan meals. For me, Spring is a really busy time, I coach high school tennis, my girls are both in sports and we also have commitments at church. As silly as it may seem to write chicken nuggets down on the meal plan….guess what, you can throw them in the oven and it will allow you to stick to your meal plan. *To make it a little nicer, make a salad and throw the cut up chicken nuggets on top for a crispy chicken salad! The meals do not have to be 5 star restaurant quality every night, they have to be realistic.
The other option, during really busy times, is to prep all your meat for the entire week beforehand (probably on Sunday). If you want to have grilled chicken, on Sunday, pull out your chicken…get your marinade set, throw it all in a Ziploc and set it in the fridge. Then on Tuesday night when you get home, all you have to do is dump it in a pan and your chicken is cooking while you set the table. No forgetting to thaw it, no it doesn’t have time to marinade. Your chicken is ready to cook.
Don’t be afraid to keep it simple, it will help you stick to your plan. If you have a slower month, that is the time to try more ambitious dishes (but I would still only try one more elaborate meal a week).
Tip 2 Be Flexible
In all my years of meal planning, I am not sure if I have ever had a month where I cooked the meal every night that was written down on the meal plan. Life happens, or whoops I forgot to pick something up to make this meal happens. The more you plan, hopefully the less you’ll forget items here and there…but to act like it doesn’t happen wouldn’t be realistic. So what do you do? You switch! If I come across something I forget, I first look at the meal scheduled on the same night in the following week. If I have the time to make it, then I switch.
*Extra Meal Planning Tip: Create Themes
I have weekly themes to help make planning easier…so if it is Mexican Monday, then to switch meals I will look at the next Monday to keep Mexican food on same night. Click Here To See How I Create A Meal Plan.
Being flexible allows you the best chance at creating a successful meal plan.
Tip 3 Make A Meal Even When You Don’t Want Too
We’ve all been there, we’re tired, it’s been a long day and we don’t feel like cooking! Sometimes we just need to cook the meal scheduled anyways. And often times once you sit down to eat, you feel really good that you stuck to your meal plan. Now this can be balanced with tip number 2, being flexible, if you have the option to switch for an easier meal you can. However, if you have everything to make the meal and you have the time…then my advice is to dig in and cook.
Tip 4 Remember Why You Created A Meal Plan
If your goal is to save money, try to remember that throughout the entire month. When you create a meal plan, buy all the groceries for your meal plan and then don’t stick to it….most likely food will get wasted. That is the opposite of your intended goal. If you do still decide to skip a meal, keep in mind the ingredients. If you purchased several ingredients for one specific meal, it might not be the best one to skip. You might end up throwing many of ingredients away if they expire and in the end you will be wasting money, not saving it.
So allow your goal to motivate you throughout the month. Put a note up reminding you if it helps! Making this meal tonight not only helps me stick to my meal plan, it helps me stick to my savings goal!
Tip 5 Always Have A Quick Backup Meal Handy
I always have an easy back up meal handy. Life happens and instead of letting it derail our meal planning constantly…we can embrace it! When I am at the grocery store I tend to pick up one frozen meal that can be quickly whipped up for dinner if needed. I consider a backup meal by these three criteria. It has to be easy, quick and doesn’t expire. It can help save you in a pinch when the day doesn’t go as expected or when switching isn’t an option.
Meal planning shouldn’t be stressful, it shouldn’t make you feel discouraged. Set yourself up for success by using the tips above. Remember to take the burden off yourself. If you miss a night or two, just jump back in when you can. We put so much pressure on ourselves to do everything so perfectly. Meal planning isn’t going to be perfect, but it can be helpful. Let it help you.
I love that I can glance at my meal plan early in the day and know what needs to be thawed out that night or what needs to be done. I don’t have to stand in the kitchen and try to miraculously come up with something. Meal planning takes away the stress of What’s For Dinner?!
If you have never made a meal plan, make sure you check out my posts on:
You will find having organized recipes will help you create a meal plan, and my tips on how to make a meal plan will make planning goe even smoother.
What’s your biggest stress with meal planning? Let me know below! Thanks for checking out my post!