Blogging For Beginners: Tools To Help Your Blog Grow

Blogging For Beginners: Tools To Help Your Blog Grow

Starting a blog can be a scary.  The amount of information about blogging is very overwhelming.  Everywhere you turn you can find an article on how to be successful.  But how do you know what information to listen to? How do you know what steps will work for you?

I am far from being an expert.  In my first four months, I realized how difficult blogging can be and how very time consuming.  I had moments where I loved it and moments where I doubted if it was worth it.  It is very hard to split your time between working on your blog, learning how to blog, trying to monetize your blog, oh and of course still being a wife and mom.  It is so easy to give into your fears.



So why blog?  Because you have something to offer!  For me, I get geeked about washi tape and white industrial string lights, I love taking pictures and improving my photography.  I love sharing projects and meeting other bloggers.  My passion is what drives me, and my desire to succeed.  Don’t let your fear stop you from following your dreams.  

It is important to be patient and in the blogging world, never stop learning.  So if you are interested in blogging, but don’t know where to start…here are a few of the tools that I use regularly.  All of them are important to building a strong foundation for your blog and helping you grow!

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1. Bluehost:

The first thing when starting a blog is deciding what host company to go with.  I decided on Bluehost.  Their site made it very easy for me to get my blog set up and they offer 24/7 customer service if I had any questions. I am not a tech wizard by any means, so something easy to use was at the top of my list.  I saw somewhere that you want to make sure your hosting company optimizes well with WordPress.  If they don’t, it could lead to slow page loads and downtime.  Bluehost is very reliable.  My website has never been down.

Click Here to see all the packages and prices at Bluehost


2. MailChimp:

Signing up with MailChimp was a big stretch for me.  It seemed a little overwhelming, but the site is actually very easy to use once you get into it.  Mailchimp allows me to connect with my subscribers through e-mail.  I can set it up to automatically email my latest posts to all my subscribers.  It also allows me to create an e-mail sequence to send a welcome email to new subscribers and create unique landing pages for all my subscriber incentives.  Mailchimp is free to use and well worth it if you are just starting out.  I use this program every day and couldn’t grow my blog without it!

Go to to check it out!

How To Start A Blog

3. Tailwind

One of the biggest ways I get traffic to my blog is Pinterest!  On Pinterest, I have a business account, which allows me to create custom pins for my blog posts.  So how does Tailwind fit in?  Tailwind is a pin scheduler which allows me to schedule all those custom pins to Pinterest.  By using tailwind to schedule my pins, it allows me to pin blog posts during the day when I’m out or at night when I’m sleeping.  The more the pins circulate, the more traffic I get to my blog!  It is incredibly easy to use.  It does have a 14.99 monthly fee, but is well worth it.  If you are interested in trying tailwind….CLICK HERE FOR A FREE MONTH!



4. Pinterest Ninja

A majority of my traffic is directed from Pinterest!  So understanding Pinterest and how it works is very important.  I bought the Pinterest Ninja course and it is amazing!  It has helped me create a consistent blog brand and given me so many helpful tips on creating pins and how to grow my e-mail list.  Plus Megan, the creator of Pinterest Ninja is available if you ever have any questions and I love being part of her facebook group.  This course will set you up for growth and success!



A Couple Other Tips:

Deciding on a blog name can be difficult.  This is something that you should start thinking about long before you are ready to start your first post.  Don’t just come up with something on a whim.  Allow your blog name to grow with you. 

When you begin thinking about the vision of your blog, make sure it is something you are passionate about!  Your passion will come across in your writing and it will help you continue even when you get discouraged.  It takes time to grow your readers and if you are not writing about something you love, it may be easier to stop.  

Also, create an e-mail just for your blog.  This is very helpful in keeping all your blog related stuff together.

It is easy to get discouraged or compare yourself to other blogs.  Be excited about what you have to offer and why you are unique.  Blogging can be so much fun!  I hope this post helps you to take the leap to start a blog or encourages you to keep going!  Thanks so much for checking out my post.

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