Colorful Plexiglas Windows

Colorful Plexiglas Windows

Fun and colorful are the two words that stuck in my mind as I tried to figure out what to do with the open spaces on our playset.  Something like stained glass would be cool, with the sun shining through…but I didn’t really want glass windows in the playset.  I soon landed on the idea of Plexiglas.  Plexiglas isn’t very cheap, but luckily for me my husband was able to get some scrap Plexiglas at work.  It was large enough for him to cut it into two triangles and one rectangle for the size windows we needed.

Plexiglas Window Tutorial


Initially I ran up to a craft store.  I saw only basic colors and not exactly what I was looking for, so I tried looking a couple other places.  Teal is not the easiest color to find in tissue paper, but I found it along with many other great colors at Target.  I was still undecided on the color palette.  To decide, I wanted to get all the colors home and see what looked best.  To tie in all the colors of the playset, I kept teal as the main color.  Green was the second, because the swings were green. The rest were up for grabs, after laying out all the tissue paper I decided on seven colors.

With the colors decided, now I needed to clean the Plexiglas and grab the modge podge.  I prepped all the tissue paper by cutting them into squares.  As I started to lay the squares out, they looked too big. I quickly cut them in half and liked the size of those strips much better.


Plexiglas Window Tutorial

Plexiglas Window Tutorial


Now to put the tissue paper onto the Plexiglas. To start  I put a small spot of modge podge down and laid one piece of tissue paper at a time.  I started with an intermittent layer of teal, then layered the green, then turquoise, lime green, orange, red and pink.

Plexiglas Window Tutorial

With all the spots covered, I put two coats of modge podge over all the tissue paper to help seal it. The bottom side had teal and green more visible and the top side had orange, red and pink more visible.

Plexiglas Window Tutorial

I repeated the above steps for each window.  To keep all three windows consistent, I laid the colors down in the same order.  It worked, all three windows weren’t exactly matching…but consistent like I wanted.

Plexiglas Window Tutorial

Plexiglas Window Tutorial

A Complete Playset Makeover

Once the modge podge was dry, the windows were ready to mount.  My kids absolutely love sitting inside the playset and watching the light shine through the windows.  It was the perfect touch!

To check out our complete playset makeover click Here!

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