Free Monthly Greeting Card

Receiving a note from a friend can be an incredible blessing, especially in a very fast and technology driven world. A handwritten note can go a long way. The desire to encourage others spurred me on to create a free monthly greeting card for all of my subscribers! I hope you will join us.
The greeting cards will be e-mailed out on the first Friday of every month. It will be included with the weekly email update.
Make It Personal
To add a little personal touch to my greeting cards, I trimmed them down. I cut the edge on the top and side, so there was no white left around the sky. Then I used a corner punch to round the edges.
If you are crafty have a little fun with it and if you are not… the card will also look beautiful the way it is printed!
The Greeting Card
On the front of the card each month will be a scripture. Inside the greeting card it will be left blank. This will allow you to encourage your friend or family member and write what God has laid on your heart.
Share and Encourage Other To Join!
So how do you receive your monthly greeting card?
Sign up by clicking the image below to get your first free greeting card and then the next one will be emailed on the first Friday of the following month!
Just think what a blessing it would be if we all encourage someone else on a monthly basis. I am so excited about this opportunity, and I hope you are too!