Getting Ready For Christmas In November

November to December can be a very busy time for everyone. Especially on those who do all the planning and gift buying! It is so easy to let the busyness turn into stress. Finding the perfect gift, trying to stay on budget, taking the perfect christmas photo….we put so much pressure on ourselves to keep it altogether and sometimes there is just literally too much on our plates. Checking off some of those items in November will definitely help! So here are 6 things to do when getting ready for Christmas in November! Let’s leave more time for the fun, and less of the to do’s!
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Getting Ready For Christmas in November
1. Order Anything Needed For Baking
Let’s be honest, when is the last time you bought anything new for baking? It helps to have enough pans, measuring cups, tupperwares to get all your holiday baking done in a timely manner. For me, my measuring cups have disappeared over the years. I just bought a new set below! A few years ago, I also bought these tupperware containers which are perfect for storing christmas cookies!
If you remember needing something last year while you were baking, making desserts, entertaining….now is the time to order it. Having everything you need will help your baking/cooking run smoothly in December.
2. Order Your Christmas Cards & Update Addresses
Nothing is more stressful than when you are trying to get christmas cards out and you are running behind. In November, take your family picture or select a picture from earlier in the year and order your christmas cards. Then create a list of friends and family you want to send cards to and touch base with any that may have moved. Once your addresses are all updated, buy stamps. When your christmas cards are ready, you will be too…just make sure to carve out time and get them sent out sometime the first week of December. It always feels great to check this off your list!
3. Buy Wrapping Paper, Gift Bags, Tape and Gift Tags
So last year I made the mistake of waiting too long to buy wrapping paper and everything was picked over. Before you head to the store, just make sure to pull out your current stash of wrapping paper to see what you have. Don’t buy more wrapping paper unless you need it. I normally need to buy wrapping paper about every other year. Remember the more you have, the more you have to store!
As long as you have it out…take this time to clean out your wrapping paper as well. If you see a paper you have had for several years, but never like to use, then pitch it! It doesn’t make sense to keep it around if you don’t like it enough to use it.
Finally, stock up on tape, scissors, gift tags…everything you need to get presents wrapped in December.
4. Create a Christmas List and Budget
Put together a list of everyone you need to shop for. Don’t forget to include, hostess gifts, sunday school teachers, co-workers, neighbors…try to think through everyone you would like to buy gifts for. Once you make your list, begin writing down how much you would like to spend on each gift.
If you are on a tight budget, you may have to limit that list or be more creative! Gifts do not have to cost a lot to be thoughtful.
A Christmas list app is a great way to keep track of who you need to buy for and how much you are spending. I have tried a couple different apps, but have used the Christmas Gifts and Budget app the last few years.
5. Make One Dessert To Place In The Freezer
I love decorating cookies with my kids, but to make life a little easier….this year I am going to make and cut out the christmas cookies (with my kids in November). Then in December when we want to make those glowing christmas memories…the cookies will be ready to bake and we can enjoy the fun of decorating!
Making desserts in November will save you a lot of time and stress in December, if you can. I understand some desserts you can’t make ahead, but try to pick maybe one or two that will freeze well. It could help you out of a jam if you get invited to a last minute christmas party, or just take one more thing off your to do list.
If you already freeze a lot of desserts…let us know what you make! We could all use some great ideas.
6. Put Together Teacher Gifts
It never fails, the last week before christmas break sneaks up so quickly! I feel like I am always scrambling to put together those teacher gifts. The kids love to give them, and the teachers definitely deserve them. This year, to help take one more thing off the list in December…I am going to put them together in November.
I am planning on putting together Winter Survival Kits! Don’t worry, I’ll share all the details with you soon.
I understand we only have a couple weeks left in November, but the more we can do now…the less we have to do later. So even if you can’t do all 6, try to pick a couple to get done now. Plus remember it’s OK not to do it all. Sometimes December gets too busy, so say no to a few things here and there. The goal is to spend more time with family and to take a breath. Enjoy the holidays, don’t just survive them!
Thanks for checking out my post!

Amy, what a great article! There were a couple ideas that I had not thought of and will plan on using! The thing I woke up thinking about was christmas lights and decorating. Just like you said in regards to baking, there are a few strands of lights I said I needed for this year, so I want to get those so that I have them when I need them 🙂 Thanks again! Great article!
Thanks Julie! Yes, buying Christmas lights ahead of time is another great idea! Always grab an extra strand or two above what you think you need…because there is always a string that worked last year that will decide not to light up this year.