Halloween Treats

For the past couple years we have hosted the family Halloween party at our house. Our neighborhood is great for trick or treating. The night is filled with adorable costumes, lots of laughs and great treats. While Pinterest is flooded with great Halloween ideas, I decided to highlight a few that I have made in the past or just couldn’t pass up trying this year.
Candy Corn Pretzel Hugs
Pretzel hugs is one of my staples. I love white chocolate and pretzel. In the past, I have made spring pretzel hugs, Christmas pretzel hugs and the last two years candy corn pretzel hugs. It is easy to make and even easier for everyone to snack on. Be prepared, they will disappear quickly.
I added some eye balls to mine, along with having some milk chocolate ones also. Not everyone in my house loves white chocolate like I do.
Check out the recipe on Sally’s Baking Addiction, click Here to get it.
Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkins
A few years ago, I got really ambitious. It did take a lot of time, but you can’t deny how adorable this treat is. It is also healthy! To make these jack-o-lantern fruit cups, I bought two bags of oranges, two bags of grapes and one container of raspberries.
I cut the tops off and then scrapped the orange out with a spoon. I tried to salvage as much of the orange as possible. To carve the oranges, I used a small carving tool for pumpkins. Then I filled the oranges with the grapes and raspberries. I found the original idea from Simplee Thrifty, check out her post Here.
Ghost Fruit Kabobs
I am trying this treat for the first time. My kids love marshmallows, and thought these were adorable.
I bought shorter sticks, they were actually cake pop sticks.
For the ghost, I used mini chocolate chips for the eyes and a regular chocolate chip for the mouth. The original post recommends a food color marker. The chocolate chips wanted to poke back out a little. If you make them up ahead of time, you may have to push the chips back down right before you eat them. If you don’t like the thought of that, then it might be better to get a food marker.
Check it out at Katrina’s Paperie, click Here for the original post.
Ghost Floats
This one I came up with on my own. Root beer floats is another treat my whole family loves. I recently saw this blackberry ginger ale and thought how fun would it be to make Halloween floats.
Grabbing Hudsonville Golden Vanilla ice cream is always a good way to start.
Add the pop. Then add whip cream and eye balls to make it look like a ghost on top. And there you have it, ghost float. I have to say, it tasted delicious!
Thanks for checking out my treats. I wish you all a Happy Halloween.