Help, I Need Purse Organization!

Purse organization….OK, I am going to put it right out there, I am not a fancy purse person and my purse is rarely organized. In our family that title goes to my most beloved sister. She was a manager at Coach for several years and always has an organized and gorgeous bag. I don’t let her see the inside of my purse too often because she might faint! So if you are like her, this is your warning….
The idea for this post came while I was sitting in bible study, I was trying to find a pen and after pulling out two of my daughters necklaces and a bag of seashells (yes seashells)…my friends were laughing at me and said I should blog about it! They were right! My purse needed help!!
Believe it or not I began to pick up a few tips from my sister over the years. I always noticed all the little pouches she had in her purses. I soon realized how helpful pouches are for organizing and over time how much they help keep your purse organized.
Since we follow the Dave Ramsey plan, I always have a lot of change in my purse. Even with a nice change purse, the change often lands at the bottom of my purse and gets really heavy. That is a simple fix! I just need to take the extra time to take care of my change and actually put it in my change purse (I always feel rushed because everyone else uses plastic). Every so often, I should also empty my change into a jar at home to prevent my purse from getting too heavy!
Once everything was emptied, I turned my purse inside out and scrubbed the lining with a little soap. After my purse was clean and dry, I was ready to organize my items.
Purse Organization
I organized the items into the following pouches:
- Personal items (lotion, sanitizer, feminine products, medicine, band-aids, etc…)
- Gifts cards, reward cards and coupons
- Wallet
- Change
I put all the items back into my purse and it looked so much better! However, I was missing one important thing. The minute I am out and my kids hand me a wrapper, I am going to end up throwing it right back into my purse. I need a little trash pouch for when a trash can isn’t around. Inside my bathroom closet, I found a free cover girl pouch to use.
My Trash Pouch
I feel like this is the item that will help me keep my purse organized! Considering 3/4 of the stuff removed from my purse was trash.
Yesterday I was out for the first time with my newly organized purse and I already used my trash pouch. We were in the middle of a store and my daughter dropped a fruit snack (I am pretty relaxed with the 5 second rule, but it fell on a very dirty floor). So I picked it up and put it in my trash pouch.
Beforehand, I would have just had a loose fruit snack at the bottom of my purse and everyone knows that isn’t going to end well. With a little effort, I really feel like I have a good foundation to keep my purse organized!!!
The key to purse organization is pouches!
Figure out what pouches you need to keep your purse organized. One for receipts, one for makeup, and the list goes on. Every purse will be organized a little differently, finding what pouches will work for you is the key. What you need to organize your purse may change as the stages of your children change, so also keep that in mind! What worked for you a year ago, may not be working for you now.
Have any great purse organization tips? I would love to hear about them!
Thanks for checking out my post!
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I’m such a bag lady! Love having bags inside bags-ha! The trash pouch is genius.
Thanks Charlotte! I do love little pouches, you can have such fun patterns and colors! Thanks so much for your comment.
I can COMPLETELY relate! It takes me like 5 minutes to find one thing! You name it and it’s probably in there! I carry huge purse which doesn’t help but you never know when you’ll need something. I have 3 forms of headache medicine because what if one doesn’t work?! So I am going to use your tips and hopefully stick to them so I can have a more organized purse! Thanks!
Thanks Kirsten! Yup, before my phone would be ringing and I would have to pretty much empty half my purse to find it. It is really nice having an organized purse, I definitely don’t miss the searching! Thanks for checking my post out.
Great title, too!
LOVE this post!! An organized purse reduces stress because you can find what you need when you need it! So proud of you Amy ❤😜
Thanks for being my purse inspiration! I still think your Jade Coach purse is my favorite!!
This is too funny! I’ve been there too. I love the idea of using pouches to organize your stuff, I never thought of doing that before! I just try to squeeze everything I can into the tiny pockets on the side of my purse. Thanks for sharing this awesome tip!
Thanks Lexi! I totally understand…the struggle is real! I do find pouches help so much! Thanks for the comment.
I love using pouches to stay organized, but I had never thought of having a trash pouch. That is brilliant! I just switched to a smaller purse because the large tote I had encouraged me to haul around (and collect) way too much (at one point, I had two books, a notebook, and a large bag of pens/markers on top of everything else I already carry). It’s amazing how quickly a purse can get filled up with random stuff.
Thanks Crystal! Yes you are so right, the bigger the purse the more it fills up! I guess seashells is where I finally had to admit I had a problem, LOL! Thanks for the comment!