How To Create A Landscape Binder

How To Create A Landscape Binder

We organize all different parts of our lives, but what about our landscaping?  Have you ever thought about creating a landscape binder?  How do you keep track of your plants and shrubs?  Have you ever planted seeds in the fall and completely forgotten where you planted them?  Or researched when to prune something and then the following year forgot what it said to do? I have and it’s really frustrating.  Creating a landscape binder is something I have wanted to put together for a really long time!

I have to say, some of my hesitation was because I wasn’t exactly sure how I wanted to set it up.  However, I created some amazing printables to guide me (which will be available for you), and it made it much easier to put together! 

Some of the worksheets pictured are from my ebook Landscaping Made Easy, and some are free for you to print off below! So let’s get started!

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Making Your Landscape Binder

Step 1: Fill Out Your Landscape Inventory Sheet

The first step to creating a landscape binder is to make a list of all the plants in your landscaping. You can grab the Landscape Inventory sheet and walk around your yard to write all your plants down. 





To get more landscaping worksheets to add to your binder,

check out my new ebook Landscaping Made Easy!


Step 2: Get Supplies For Your Landscape Binder

Start by gathering the following supplies:



Step 3: Set Up Your Binder

Grab your binder and start by sliding in your cover sheet.  Next put all your tabs inside. 

For the layout, this is how I set my binder up:

Landscape Inventory Worksheet

Pruning Schedule Worksheet

Plant Details Worksheets:








I chose to alphabetize my plants, first of all, because I may have the same plant in multiple flowerbeds…so it didn’t make sense to file them by flowerbed.  Secondly, because then it allows me to easily add more plants as my landscaping grows.  




Step 4: Add The Plant Detail Worksheets To Your Binder

Now the hard part, go down your landscape inventory list and fill out a plant details worksheet for each plant. 



Soon you will have details on every plant in your landscape!!  No more, how do I prune this plant again?  You will be able to flip to your binder and find all the details.  

I even added a few plant detail worksheets for plants I don’t have in my yard yet…but will be planning to get soon.


Below is a sample of the plant detail sheet from Landscaping Made EasyIt is similar to the free printable, but includes a few more details.



Step 5: Complete Your Pruning Schedule

As you are filling out the plant detail worksheets, don’t forget to add your plant list to your pruning schedule as well!  If you know when to prune something, you can add it to your schedule.  However, some plants you will need to research first and then add them to the pruning schedule.  This schedule will be a great reminder of what plants you need to take care of each month!  



Are you ready to get started?  



It may take some time to get all the plant detail worksheets completed…but when you are finished you will have an amazing resource at your fingertips!  

Happy landscaping and thanks so much for checking out my post! 

About me


Check out my other landscaping projects!  


    Landscape-Project-Part-1-Where to Start? All Things Landscaping From Flowerbeds to Flagstone

How To Create A Landscape Binder

10 thoughts on “How To Create A Landscape Binder”

    • Thanks Emily! I hear ya…it seems like landscaping is never done = ) Thankfully the reward is worth all the hard work!

  • This is such a great idea!!! When we purchased our house 25 years ago, the previous owners had something similar. Over the years we let it go. I think we will have to go back as this is a way better way to manage the yard!

    • Thanks Jennifer! I know how it goes, I wanted to create my binder long before I did. I finally got sick of looking up how to trim my pear trees every single year = ) It really is so helpful. Good luck with your yard!

  • I watched someone’s house while they were away on vacation and they had a landscaping binder. They had a section in there for all of their plants and it was so easy for me to read about them to see how much I needed to water them while they were away. I love this idea! It’s so unique and helpful.

    • I know…I was the same way! I like to organize things, but had never “organized” my plants before. I love having a landscape binder, it really is very helpful. Thanks!

  • I love this idea! We have a huge task on our hands with our garden and my fiancé and I have such varying visions that an idea like this could really help us. I’ll be pinning for future projects x

    • Thanks Claire! Yes, creating a vision of what you want can be tricky for sure…good luck with your garden!

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