Organize Home Projects With This Free Project Guide

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the projects you have to do or want to do on your home? I am definitely there with you and there is never enough money to get all your projects done at once, so it turns into the inevitable to do list. As much as I enjoy making lists, this list seems to be unending and it is hard to figure out what project to tackle next. Then it dawned on me how extremely helpful it would be to organize my project list by categories and budget. It would also help make the decision of what project to do next, much easier to make.
Plus, every project leads into another project and another…and OK, let’s be realistic, most projects lead to a trail of projects! So keeping them organized is important. For instance, we would like to expand our driveway…which then turns into a fence project (since we have fence that lines our driveway) and a landscaping project. It seems like it is never just one project.
So I set out to create a better way to organize our home projects by creating a project guide!
Creating A Project Guide
I have the whole set available for you HERE! I broke it down into categories to keep it simple…here are the basic steps:
1) Split Your Home Projects Into Categories
The first step is to write all your projects down and split them into an outdoor list and an indoor list.
2) Begin Getting Estimates
Use the estimates worksheet to begin gathering project costs and quotes. Again keep your estimates separate based on indoor projects and outdoor projects. Plus add any additional quotes, you already have to the binder…this will keep all your project information in one place! I am actually really excited about this part, having all your estimates in one spot so you can easily find them, so convenient!
3) Write Your Home Projects Down Onto The Cost Organization Worksheet
Once you have done the research and figured out the cost of each project, write it down onto your cost organization worksheet. This is a simple snapshot of project costs. As you begin thinking about projects and set how much you would like to spend for the year, or month…or even summer, this worksheet will help you determine what order you might what to tackle your projects. It gives you a financial perspective, and shows you realistically what you can get done within the budget you set.
Ready to create your own home project binder? Get the guide HERE!
Projects can be stressful enough…planning them shouldn’t be. So make it simple, plan, budget and organize your projects with this home projects guide!
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