Make Valentine’s Day Special For The Kids

One of the biggest joys as a parent is making your kids feel special! It’s not about the money that is spent, but the little traditions and time we spend with them. Handwritten notes, special meals…those are the things they cherish most. So lets take a little time this Valentine’s day to do that! Here are 5 ideas to make Valentine’s Day special for the kids.
Special is a very general term and really anything you do is going to be special for your kids! It doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate…just a few simple things to go out of your way and show your kids how much you love them!
5 Ideas To Make Valentine’s Day Special For The Kids
1) A Special Valentines Breakfast For Kids
In our home, my kids love it when I make a “fancy” breakfast. We have done this for Thanksgiving and Christmas…but never for Valentine’s Day. Fancy to my kids is using the glass irish coffee mugs and having a pretty plate setting, typically with chargers.
This year, Valentine’s Day is over our winter break at school, so we will have plenty of time to celebrate a festive breakfast! To finish off a beautiful place setting, I created this Valentine printable to decorate your plate.
The Valentine Printable looks great under a clear glass plate. Add this heart straw wrapper and you have a very cute and simple Valentine place setting!
I printed the hearts on cardstock to make them sturdier. To make it personal, I wrote the names of each of my kids on the front of the hearts.
To attach the hearts to the straw, use tape. First tape one heart directly to the straw, then make a couple tape rolls and press both the hearts together.
Then add your kids favorite breakfast food and enjoy!
2) Write Valentine Notes To Your Kids
Handwritten notes are always special! Use this printable and write a note for your kids every day in February leading up to Valentine’s Day. You can tape them to their bedroom door, or put them in their lunch boxes…there are so many options.
I have never done this before, but am so excited to try it this year. Especially for my youngest! She is always asking for more notes in her lunchbox…she will absolutely love this.
I created several different colors for you to choose from. The Red and Black set is the Free Printable available to all subscribers. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE AND RECEIVE FREE VALENTINE NOTES.
All other colors, along with the plate printables, are available in a bundle on my Etsy Page HERE. Each set includes notes for 14 days.
Notes are a great way to make anyone feel special!
3) Buy Small Valentine Gifts or Flowers For Kids
The key here is small. There is no reason to spend a ton of money, but getting a small gift does make them feel special. Especially buying flowers for your girls. My girls do not get flowers very often, but when they do, they love it!
My husband and son go to pick out flowers for my daughters and I. I get the flowers from my husband and my son gets flowers for his sisters.
Along with the flowers, I set out a small gift with candy and balloons for each of the kids.
4) Heart Shaped Food For Kids
Getting festive with your food is always fun! Whether it is heart shaped pizza, heart shaped cookies or heart shaped sandwiches for their school lunches, the possibilities are endless. Kids love when food is “special,” basically just different than any other day.
Heart shaped items are very easy to make, so choose a few things to try out this Valentine’s Day!
5) Sharing The Love
One of the biggest reasons we celebrate Valentine’s Day is Love. What greater way to show love than to give. Making your kids feel special on Valentine’s Day is a wonderful gift, but teaching them to make someone else feel special is just as important! Pick up a box of chocolates, a balloon or have your kids make homemade cards to give to someone else!
Have them give the gift to someone outside of your family, maybe to a neighbor or a friend. Someone they might not interact with every day, but who they appreciate! Surprising someone with a Valentine gift will be just as special for your kids as it is for the person they are giving it to!
Valentine’s Day can be a fun holiday and it doesn’t have to be just for couples! Include your kids and make it special for them as well! I hope you love these 5 ideas to make your kids feel special on Valentine’s Day! Thanks so much for checking out my post!